A uberização do trabalho e o nublamento das fronteiras da relação de emprego

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Viviane Vidigal


Uberization has become one of the most debated phenomena in studies dedicated to understanding the constitution of contemporary work. Being able to be understood as a form of control, management and organization of work, it distances itself from the regularity of formal wages, generally accompanied by the guarantee of social and labor rights, which can result in a precariousness of labor rights, disrespect and
persistent non-compliance with elementary rights. This article aims to analyze the professional status of the Uber worker, problematizing legal subordination, in the light of the Judiciary and labor doctrine. To build the arguments, empirical data, collected from qualitative research, developed from direct observation, document analysis and semi-structured interviews with Uber drivers from the metropolitan region of Campinas-SP and São Paulo-SP, will be presented.

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How to Cite
Vidigal, V. (2021). A uberização do trabalho e o nublamento das fronteiras da relação de emprego. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 3(1). Retrieved from https://rbds.ieprev.com.br/rbds/article/view/129

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