Português Português

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Liliana Grosskopf


The conversion of special time into ordinary time is a form of time adjustment based on mathematical criteria, according to which time is computed with a certain compensatory increase in favor of insured person for being subject to work that is harmful to his health or physical integrity. It is a positive legal discrimination in protection of workers exposed to special conditions, to ensure isonomic treatment insofar as, without the possibility of time transformation, the aggressive effect of certain activities on the health of the insured is disregarded, as special activities are treated like activities without exposure to any harmful agent. The validity of the extinction of the conversion of special time in common promoted by Constitutional Amendment (EC) n. 103/2019 is questioned by removing protection until then conferred as a measure of isonomy.

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How to Cite
Grosskopf, L. (2023). Português Português. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 6(3), 20–33. Retrieved from https://rbds.ieprev.com.br/rbds/article/view/208
Author Biography

Liliana Grosskopf, Instituto de Estudos Previdenciários, Trabalhistas e Tributários, IEPREV. Belo Horizonte/MG

Pós-graduanda em Direito Previdenciário RGPS pelo Instituto de Estudos Previdenciários – IEPREV, Pós-graduanda em RPPS e Direito Previdenciário Militar com módulo Especial Previdência Complementar pelo Instituto de Estudos Previdenciários – IEPREV, Pós-graduada em Direito Público com ênfase em Gestão Pública pela Damásio Educacional, Advogada.