HEALTH AS A RIGHT: EVOLUTION OF POLICIES FOR HEALTH IN BRAZIL evolução das políticas de saúde no Brasil

Main Article Content

Kennedy Maia dos Santos
Raquel da Rocha Paiva Maia
Williane Tibúrcio Facundes


The introduction and recognition of health as a social right in Brazil occurred with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Despite the historical and social events that preceded the creation of the Unified Health System, they served as benchmarks for the construction of a public health policy capable of reducing, in theory, the disparity between the most distinct social strata, in relation to the public health services. Based on the bibliographic analysis, the present work describes the trajectory of the process of construction and consolidation of the right to public and universal health in Brazil. To this end, some of the main historical events and legislation are presented, organized by periods, considered essential for the understanding and debate on health policies in the Brazilian context.

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How to Cite
Maia dos Santos, K., da Rocha Paiva Maia, R., & Facundes, W. T. (2022). HEALTH AS A RIGHT: EVOLUTION OF POLICIES FOR HEALTH IN BRAZIL: evolução das políticas de saúde no Brasil. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 5(1), 26–37. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Kennedy Maia dos Santos, Centro Universitário UNINORTE

Graduando em Direito, pelo Centro Universitário UNINORTE; Doutor em Ciências pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Raquel da Rocha Paiva Maia, Universidade Federal do Acre

Professora da Universidade Federal do Acre. Doutora em Ciências pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo

Williane Tibúrcio Facundes, Centro Universitário UNINORTE

Professora do Curso de Direito do Centro Universitário UNINORTE