A constitucionalização da readaptação como efetivação do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana

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Natacha Bublitz Camara


The timeliness of the topic was essential for its choice, in view of the constitutionalization of the readaptation institute with Constitutional Amendment nº 103/19. The main objective of this work is to analyze whether the constitutionalization of readaptation is in line with the principles of the social value of work and the dignity of the human being. The article will also reflect on the need to use biopsychosocial expertise to assess both the possibility of readaptation and the existence of the incapacity of the servant as an instrument to guarantee the effectiveness of this principle to the involved agent.

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How to Cite
Camara, N. B. (2021). A constitucionalização da readaptação como efetivação do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 3(1). Retrieved from https://rbds.ieprev.com.br/rbds/article/view/123