Direitos fundamentais em crise o problema da democratização do acesso à educação agravado pela pandemia

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Ingrid de Castro Rodrigues
Larissa Macêdo da Silva
Luciana Adélia Sottili


With the emergence of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the
world went into seclusion with the use of restrictive measures such as social isolation, in
order to minimize the spread of the virus. Schools were closed, making it necessary to adopt
a teaching model that had been little used until then, remote classes. With this new model,
the problem of lack of access to essential electronic and internet tools for remote learning
emerged. The right to education is characteristic of the Rule of Law, constituting a
fundamental nature in society and enshrined in the current Brazilian Federal Constitution.
Thus, there is a need to analyze the difficulties and challenges of access to education during
the pandemic period. In order to better understand the topic, the bibliographic review
methodology was adopted, initially seeking information on the construction of Brazilian
education in Brazilian doctrine and laws. Next, the limitations of rights in access to education
caused by the pandemic were addressed. Still, the current government's lack of preparation
in the elaboration of public policies that minimize the damage caused to the education of
Brazilian children and young people is analyzed, culminating in the disastrous application of
ENEM 2020. of public policies aimed at the area of access and leveling of education,
especially for groups that are in a situation of economic vulnerability.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rodrigues, I. de C., Silva, L. M. da, & Sottili, L. A. (2022). Direitos fundamentais em crise: o problema da democratização do acesso à educação agravado pela pandemia. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 4(2), 39–56. Retrieved from https://rbds.ieprev.com.br/rbds/article/view/155
Author Biographies

Ingrid de Castro Rodrigues, Centro Universitário São Lucas/UNISL

Discente Bacharelado em Direito pelo Centro Universitário São Lucas/UNISL, integrante do grupo de pesquisa Centro de Estudos em Direito de Rondônia - CEDRO/UNISL. E-mail: ingridrodrigues3@hotmail.com.

Larissa Macêdo da Silva, São Lucas Educacional - Porto Velho/RO

Discente Bacharelado em Direito pelo Centro Universitário São Lucas/UNISL, integrante do grupo de pesquisa Centro de Estudos em Direito de Rondônia - CEDRO/UNISL. E-mail: larissamacedo542@gmail.com.

Luciana Adélia Sottili, São Lucas Educacional - Porto Velho/RO

Advogada. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Especialista em Educação em Direitos Humanos (FADIR/FURG). Mestra em Direito e Justiça Social PPGD/FURG. Professora na São Lucas Educacional - Porto Velho/RO. Pesquisadora nos Grupo de Pesquisas Cidadania, Direitos e Justiça Social - CIDIJUS/FURG; Centro de Estudos em Fronteiras Amazônicas e Desigualdades Sociais - CEFADS/UNIR. Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Centro de Estudos em Direito de Rondônia - CEDRO/UNISL.

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